Golf Outing Sponsorship




Below are different types of player options and sponsorships. For individual player registration, choose SINGLE PLAYER (below) or FOURSOME for team.

If you are not a golfer, you can still make an impact by choosing a sponsorship option below (with no players).



When you VIEW DETAILS you can ADD TO CART to select your desired option.  You will not be able to add-to-cart if your sponsorship option has been taken (they are limited).

Then click CHECK OUT to begin registration and provide necessary information including player names.



Complete registration and payment.

A confirmation email will be sent to your registered email along with details of your sponsorship and login details.

To LOGIN to your account click here when completed.

Sponsorship with Golf Players Included

Eagle Sponsor

Company Sign Recognition (all holes)

Entry for 8 players (2 teams)

2 Grant a Wish hole sponsor

Large Company Banner

Comapny Logo on Provided Merchandise

Birdie Sponsor

Entry for 4 players (1 team)

Large Individual Banner

Logo Merch in Goodie Bag

1 Grant a Wish hole sponsor

Door Prize Sponsor $2,500

Entry for 4 players

1 Grant a Wish hole sponsor

Large Banner Recognition


Sponsorship with NO Players Included

Dinner Sponsor

Signage at all tables

Recognition at Awards Ceremony

(1 Available)

Cart Sponsor

Company Signage on carts and provided logo merchandise

Recognition at Awards Ceremony

Large Sponsor Banner Representation


Green Prize Sponsor

Company Recognition on all 18 holes

Every hole has a contest

Recognition at Awards Ceremony

(1 Available)

Divot Tool with Ball Marker Sponsor $1,500

Have your logo placed on a metal ball marker that is magnetically attached to the divot tool.

Poker Chip Sponsor $1,000

Ball-marking logo chip to each player

Recognition at Awards Ceremony

(1 Available)

Beverage Cart Sponsor $1,000

Signage on Beverage Carts

Large Banner Recognition

(2 Available)

Golf Tee Sponsor

Bag of logo tees to each player

Recognition at Awards Ceremony

(1 Available)



Koozie Sponsor

Koozies with your logo will be provided to all players.


Golf Towel Sponsor $1,000

A golf towel with your logo and color choice of towel will be provided to all players.



Hat Sponsor

Have your logo on a hat with multiple color and style options provided to all players.


Lip Balm Sponsor

Have your logo on lip balm that will be provided to all players.


Grant a Wish Hole Sponsor $500

Signage at Designated Hole

(18 Available)



Putting Green Sponsor $500

Sign at Designated Hole

Company Recognition on Prize

Recognition at Award Ceremony



Longest Drive Sponsor $300

Sign at Designated Hole

Company Recognition on Prize

Recognition at Awards Ceremony

(4 Available)


Closest to the Pin Sponsor $300

Sign at Designated Hole

Company Recognition on Prize

Recognition at Awards Ceremony



Golf Players Registration Only

Single Player

For individual registration only.

– Click VIEW DETAILS, then ADD TO CART to choose this.

If you are registering for 2 people and paying for both, make sure to set quantity to 2.


This option registers 4 players, which is a team.

– Click VIEW DETAILS, then ADD TO CART to choose this.

– When you begin CHECKOUT, you will be asked to enter names of your team and company.

    Your Selection (Cart)